22 August 2012
"Paul said, 'Look I've got this idea,' and we said, 'Great!' - and all he had was this circle and a little dot on the top. That's where we started!" [Ringo]
In September 1967, The Beatles were making their third film, this time conceived and directed by The Beatles themselves. They loaded friends, family, a film crew and cast onto a bus, and headed west on the A30 out of London. They didn't know what was going to happen, but they didn't need to - this was The Magical Mystery Tour!
20 March 2012
20 March 2012
Yellow Submarine is available to order on Blu-Ray, DVD and on iTunes now! You can order your copy of the restored classic film on Blu-Ray or DVD from the official Beatles stores or from your local retailer.
22 June 2012
Yellow Submarine was the first great, non-Disney animated feature.
Now, the music, surreal humour, artwork and writing have all been born again in 4k digital resolution.
20 April 2010
The in-the-round theater is equipped with 6,000 speakers that blast the tunes at sometimes concert-worthy volume as acrobats and dancers move through the early lives of the Beatles, blasting apart a WWII-era Liverpool set during a bombastic "Get Back," racing across the stage in a vintage Beetle for "Drive My Car" and filling the air with giant soap bubbles pulled from the top of a grand piano for "Strawberry Fields Forever."
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