
“We were all opening our minds to different areas, and then we’d come together and share it all with each other. It was exciting, because there was a lot of cross-fertilisation.” PaulImage

"I liked Sgt Pepper when it was finished. I knew it was different for the public, and I was very happy with the concept of the cover. 'A Day In The Life' had the big orchestra and the big piano chord, and 'Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds' I liked musically."



"That was the thing about The Beatles: they never stuck to one style. They never did just blues, or just rock. We loved all music.”


"The Our World broadcast was great, going out to hundreds of millions of people around the world. It was the first worldwide satellite broadcast ever. It's a standard thing that people do now; but then, when we did it, it was a first. That was exicting; we were doing a lot of firsts. They were exciting times."

Another quote





"He dedicated so much of his life to The Beatles. We liked and loved him. He was one of us. There is no such thing as death. It is a comfort to us all to know that he is OK."



"Well that was just fun and you know there were plenty of people who made documentaries of all students who'd made films and I think we just saw ourselves in that kind of light, yeah you know let's just make a kind of artsy film."



"Magical Mystery Tour is one of my favourite albums, because it was so weird. 'I Am The Walrus' is also one of my favourite tracks - because I did it, of course, but also because it's one of those that has enough little bitties going to keep you interested even a hundred years later."
John"It was basically a charabanc trip, which people used to go on to see the Blackpool lights - they'd get loads of crates of beer and all get pissed (in the English sense). It was very flimsy and we had no idea what we were doing. At least I didn't. I had no idea what was happening." - George
"Magical Mystery Tour was Paul's idea. It was a good way to work. Paul had a great piece of paper - just a blank piece of white paper with a circle on it. The plan was: 'We start here - and we've got to do something here...' We filled it in as we went along." - Ringo

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