
"The idea of making promotional films for ‘Paperback Writer’ and ‘Rain’ was that we didn’t have to go out. We felt it was a great idea to send the film out there. I don’t think we even thought of calling them ‘videos’. There were just going to be on TV." - RingoImage

"I’m trying to cram everything in, all the things that I’ve missed. People are saying things and painting things and writing things and composing things that are great, and I must *know* what people are doing. I vaguely mind people knowing anything I don’t know.” - Paul

"With ‘Tomorrow Never Knows’ I’d imagined in my head that in the background you would hear thousands of monks chanting. That was impractical, of course, and we did something different. I should have tried to get near my original idea, the monks singing. I realise now that was what it wanted.” - John

"To me, (Indian music) is the only really great music now, and it makes Western three-or-four-beat type stuff seem somehow dead. You can get so much more out of it if you are prepared really to concentrate and listen. I hope more people will try to dig it." - George

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